KAPSARC held its second energy workshop focused on natural resource driven-growth in eastern Africa on January 20-21, 2015 in Maputo, Mozambique. Entitled Implications of Local Content Policies in Developing East Africa's Natural Resources, this workshop was co-hosted with the Centro de Estudos Em Economica e Gestao at the University of Eduardo Mondlane. Issues discussed included local content as a political imperative, monitoring and measurement of local content, and how local content requirements might impact oil and gas projects being considered in eastern Africa.The workshop brought together experts from diverse backgrounds, including policymakers from the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning and Development in Mozambique, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development in Uganda, Kenya Vision 2030 Committee, National Oil Company of Kenya, and the Central Bank of Kenya.Representatives from several academic, non-government and commercial organizations also participated, including Anadarko Mozambique, United National Development Program, Standard Charter Bank, African Development Bank, Hybrid Solicitors in Nigeria, Petersen Institute for International Economics, Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique, and the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation. Leading academics from the University of Port Harcourt in Nigeria, Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento in Argentina, and Stanford University also contributed