KAPSARC hosted its second Energy Transitions Workshop in London, May 13-14, 2014 titled Policy Support for Energy Transitions: Where is Public Money Best Spent? Participants focused on the dynamics that influence the effectiveness of renewable energy transition policy in establishing national green economies while improving the competitiveness of new technologies.Participants reflected major energy market regions including the Gulf Coordinating Council (GCC) region, Asia, North America, and Europe, and included leading energy policy advisors, energy transitions researchers, solar power developers and manufacturers, legal experts, utility planners, and renewable technology specialists.Experts engaged​ in dynamic discussions on lessons learned from ongoing energy transition experiences and existing models that could help determine how to effectively allocate public money. The significance of global dynamics for national transition policy design and implementation also surfaced strongly. Discussions provoked a healthy discourse on the effectiveness of transition policy in developing local renewable technology supply chain industries while enabling fast paced energy penetration. KAPSARC presented its energy transition model, capturing these important relationships.